Oh, hello Monday! I’ve started properly enjoying the beginning of the week as of late. I used to wake up on Monday mornings with a sense of panic, adhering to Eastern Standard Time (c’mon!) and an urgency to send out emails like a maniac. I’ve starting leaving the house earlier in the morning for a quick coffee with a friend, much like you would at the lunchroom of a regular office setting. It has helped tremendously – I love bouncing ideas off of a fellow creative before I officially start the work week. I head back to my office feeling refreshed and excited.
This week’s Pin Project is a little offbeat, a little surreal. Beyond the peachy pink palette in each of these photos, I don’t see too much of a connection between these images. However, I kinda love them together. They are all slightly bizarre; the bug-eyed sunnies, the beautiful knife and the poodle holding a blooming branch. I’m gonna just go with it.